The Vice Commodore’s Regatta is Harlem’s newest deeded trophy, brought into being in 2002 following the initiation of this regatta in 2000 by then Vice Commodore Lewis Lardaro. The regatta is Harlem’s way of bringing together as crew the club’s sailboaters and our powerboaters and non-boat owners. Each boat competing for the VC Regatta trophy must have a minimum crew consisting of two who are sail boaters – i.e., the owner, a family member or partner, or a shipmate - and two who are power boaters and/or non-boat-owning members. This is the designated ‘crew of record’. Additional crew may be carried as well. We also welcome boats who do not carry the required crew of record to enter the race. They will be scored for the race, but not for the VC Regatta trophy.
What’s the attraction of putting together this mixed crew to compete for this trophy? In addition to the fun experience of working together as a racing crew, the VC Regatta is the only one of our deeded trophy races where this crew of record gets each of their names engraved permanently on the VC Regatta trophy.
Following the race, there is a typical post-race celebration on the deck, with appropriate snacks and libations, where the results are announced, and the winning crew gets to hold and share the VC Regatta trophy before their names get
added to it.
Vice Commodore's Regatta Saturday 7 Sept 2024
2022 Vice Commodore's Regatta Notice of Race
2022 Vice Commodore's Regatta Sailing Instructions