The Treat Race is one of the club's main annual racing events. The race commemorates current member Mike Treat's father (Sidney C. Treat) and grandfather (Sidney J. Treat), both of whom were major figures in HYC racing history. If there's only one race you do this year, this should be the one.
The day starts with a skipper's meeting on the porch of the clubhouse. This is mostly for people who don't do a lot of racing; we'll go over everything you need to know to compete in the race. What all the signals look and sound like, and what they mean. Where you need to go, and when to be there.
The start is usually around 1:00 PM. Sailing instructions will give the exact details (an it will be announced at the skipper's meeting). Depending on the wind, we'll be back at the club sometime by late afternoon. We'll present the results and there refreshments will be served.
Finally, per long-standing HYC tradition, the evening of the Treat Race is Pasta Night at the restaurant, so plan to stay around for that.
2024 Treat Race, Saturday, 27 July
Prior Years
2023 Sailing Instructions
2022 Treat Race Results